home protection spells


Home protection spells are a powerful way to keep your home and family safe from harm. By using the energy of the natural world and your own personal intent, you can create a protective barrier around your home that will shield it from negative influences.

There are many different types of home protection spells, but all of them work by creating a positive and harmonious energy in your home. This energy will repel negative influences, such as thieves, burglars, and other unwanted visitors. It can also help to protect your home from natural disasters, such as fires, floods, and storms.

If you are new to home protection spells, there are a few things you need to know to get started. First, it is important to have a clear and positive intent. What do you hope to achieve with your spell? Once you know your intent, you can choose a spell that is right for you.

There are many different home protection spells available online and in books. Some of the

  • Protection spell jar: This spell is a simple and effective way to protect your home from negative influences. To create a protection spell jar, simply fill a jar with herbs, crystals, and other protective items. Then, seal the jar with wax and place it in a central location in your home.
  • Four corners spell: This spell creates a protective barrier around your home by placing protective symbols at the four corners of your property. To cast this spell, simply draw a symbol of protection on a piece of paper and place it at each corner of your property.
  • Mirrors spell: This spell uses the power of mirrors to reflect negative energy away from your home. To cast this spell, simply place mirrors at the entrances and exits of your home.
  • Banishing spell: This spell is used to banish negative energy from your home. To cast this spell, simply recite the following incantation:

“I banish all negative energy from my home. I banish all evil spirits and entities. I banish all harm and danger. I banish all darkness and negativity. My home is now a safe and protected space.”

No matter what type of home protection spell you choose, it is important to cast it with faith and intention. The more energy you put into your spell, the more powerful it will be.

Helpful Tips for Beginners

  • Cleanse your space: Before you cast any home protection spell, it is important to cleanse your space of any negative energy. This can be done by burning sage, incense, or smudging herbs.
  • Focus your intent: When you cast your spell, focus on your intent. What do you hope to achieve with your spell? The more specific you can be, the more powerful your spell will be.
  • Visualize the results: As you cast your spell, visualize the results you want to achieve. See your home surrounded by a white light of protection. See your family safe and sound.
  • Be patient: It may take some time for your spell to manifest. Be patient and have faith in the magic of the universe.

Example of a Home Protection Spell

Here is an example of a simple home protection spell that you can try:


  • A glass jar
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Bay leaves
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender


  1. Cleanse the jar with soap and water.
  2. Add the sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, bay leaves, rosemary, and lavender to the jar.
  3. Seal the jar with a lid.
  4. Place the jar in a central location in your home.


“I protect my home with this spell, From all harm, both big and small. Negative energy cannot enter, My home is safe and sound for all.”


Home protection spells are a powerful way to keep your home and family safe. By following the tips above, you can cast your own home protection spell and create a safe and harmonious space for yourself and your loved ones.

Keywords: home protection spells, beginners, protection spell jar, four corners spell, mirrors spell, banishing spell, cleansing, intent, visualization, patience


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